
An overview of hut-to-hut cross-country skiing in the Appalachian Mountain Club 100 Mile Wilderness, Maine, based on my experiences in 2024.

Perspectives on Tim




Building Resilience Handbook


Check out more from Sugar Kane's creator (aka my nephew Duncan).

Tim's Family


The family gathers at my parent's home in Cape Town in March 1997. From left to right, Front row: Cyril, Gill, Gene, Duncan and Sarah. Back Row: Dad, Peter, Rod, Lyn, Mum and me.

The family after three generations of Warners completed the Argus Bicycle Tour (105 km, or 65 miles) with 28,000 other cyclists in March 1997. Special note: front left is Dad (84 years old) the oldest person to complete the tour, and front right is mum (72 years old), the oldest woman to complete the tour. From left to right, Front row (left to right): Dad, Cindy, Lyn, Mum. Back row: Gene', Tim, Rod, Duncan, Gill, Cyril and Gene's friend, Alex

Tim and his wife Paula Hunt in Greece